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 2.12 Lambdafn


  Function=[sin|cos|sinh|cosh|exp|log|sqr|...]) is specified with this
  type.  Prior to version 14, these types were lambdasine, lambdacos,
  lambdasinh, lambdacos, and lambdaexp.  Where we say "lambdasine" or some
  such below, the good reader knows we mean "lambdafn with function=sin".)

  These types calculate the Julia set of the formula lambda*fn(Z), for
  various values of the function "fn", where lambda and Z are both
  complex.  Two values, the real and imaginary parts of lambda, should be
  given in the "params=" option.  For the feathery, nested spirals of
  LambdaSines and the frost-on-glass patterns of LambdaCosines, make the
  real part = 1, and try values for the imaginary part ranging from 0.1 to
  0.4 (hint: values near 0.4 have the best patterns). In these ranges the
  Julia set "explodes". For the tongues and blobs of LambdaExponents, try
  a real part of 0.379 and an imaginary part of 0.479.

  A coprocessor used to be almost mandatory: each LambdaSine/Cosine
  iteration calculates a hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, a sine, and a
  cosine (the LambdaExponent iteration "only" requires an exponent, sine,
  and cosine operation)!  However, Fractint now computes these
  transcendental functions with fast integer math. In a few cases the fast
  math is less accurate, so we have kept the old slow floating point code.
  To use the old code, invoke with the float=yes option, and, if you DON'T
  have a coprocessor, go on a LONG vacation!