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 2.19 Pickover Mandelbrot/Julia Types

  (type=manfn+zsqrd/julfn+zsqrd, manzpowr/julzpowr, manzzpwr/julzzpwr,
  manfn+exp/julfn+exp - formerly included man/julsinzsqrd and
  man/julsinexp which have now been generalized)

  These types have been explored by Clifford A. Pickover, of the IBM
  Thomas J. Watson Research center. As implemented in Fractint, they are
  regular Mandelbrot/Julia set pairs that may be plotted with or without
  the "biomorph" (p. 95) option Pickover used to create organic-looking
  beasties (see below). These types are produced with formulas built from
  the functions z^z, z^n, sin(z), and e^z for complex z. Types with
  "power" or "pwr" in their name have an exponent value as a third
  parameter. For example, type=manzpower params=0/0/2 is our old friend
  the classical Mandelbrot, and type=manzpower params=0/0/4 is the Quartic
  Mandelbrot. Other values of the exponent give still other fractals.
  Since these WERE the original "biomorph" types, we should give an
  example.  Try:

      FRACTINT type=manfn+zsqrd biomorph=0 corners=-8/8/-6/6 function=sin

  to see a big biomorph digesting little biomorphs!