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 2.21 Peterson Variations

  (type=marksmandel, marksjulia, cmplxmarksmand, cmplxmarksjul,
  marksmandelpwr, tim's_error)

  These fractal types are contributions of Mark Peterson. MarksMandel and
  MarksJulia are two families of fractal types that are linked in the same
  manner as the classic Mandelbrot/Julia sets: each MarksMandel set can be
  considered as a mapping into the MarksJulia sets, and is linked with the
  spacebar toggle. The basic equation for these sets is:
        Z(n+1) = (lambda^(exp-1) * Z(n)^2) + lambda
  where Z(0) = 0.0 and lambda is (x + iy) for MarksMandel. For MarksJulia,
  Z(0) = (x + iy) and lambda is a constant (taken from the MarksMandel
  spacebar toggle, if that method is used). The exponent is a positive
  integer or a complex number. We call these "families" because each value
  of the exponent yields a different MarksMandel set, which turns out to
  be a kinda-polygon with (exponent) sides. The exponent value is the
  third parameter, after the "initialization warping" values. Typically
  one would use null warping values, and specify the exponent with
  something like "PARAMS=0/0/5", which creates an unwarped, pentagonal
  MarksMandel set.

  In the process of coding MarksMandelPwr formula type, Tim Wegner created
  the type "tim's_error" after making an interesting coding mistake.