< Prev           Iterated Dynamics Version 1.0          Page 148 Next >
 5.19 Batch Mode

  It IS possible, believe it or not, to become so jaded with the screen
  drawing process, so familiar with the types and options, that you just
  want to hit a key and do something else until the final images are safe
  on disk.  To do this, start Fractint with the BATCH=yes parameter.  To
  set up a batch run with the parameters required for a particular image
  you might:
    o Find an interesting area.  Note the parameters from the <Tab>
      display.  Then use an editor to write a batch file.
    o Find an interesting area.  Set all the options you'll want in the
      batch run.  Use the <B> command to store the parameters in a file.
      Then use an editor to add the additional required batch mode
      parameters (such as VIDEO=) to the generated parameter file entry.
      Then run the batch using "fractint @myname.par/myentry" (if you told
      the <B> command to use file "myname" and to name the entry

  Another approach to batch mode calculations, using "FILENAME=" and
  resume, is described later.

  When modifying a parameter file entry generated by the <B> command, the
  only parameters you must add for a batch mode run are "BATCH=yes", and
  "VIDEO=xxx" to select a video mode.  You might want to also add
  "SAVENAME=[name]" to name the result as something other than the default
  FRACT001.GIF.  Or, you might find it easier to leave the generated
  parameter file unchanged and add these parameters by using a command
     fractint @myname.par/myentry batch=y video=AF3 savename=mygif

  "BATCH=yes" tells Fractint to run in batch mode -- that is, Fractint
  draws the image using whatever other parameters you specified, then acts
  as if you had hit <S> to save the image, then exits to DOS.

  "FILENAME=" can be used with "BATCH=yes" to resume calculation of an
  incomplete image.  For instance, you might interactively find an image
  you like; then select some slow options (a high resolution disk video
  mode, distance estimator method, high maxiter, or whatever);  start the
  calculation;  then interrupt immediately with a <S>ave.  Rename the save
  file (fract001.gif if it is the first in the session and you didn't name
  it with the <X> options or "savename=") to xxx.gif. Later you can run
  Fractint in batch mode to finish the job:
      fractint batch=yes filename=xxx savename=xxx

  "SAVETIME=nnn" is useful with long batch calculations, to store a
  checkpoint every nnn minutes.  If you start a many hour calculation with
  say "savetime=60", and a power failure occurs during the calculation,
  you'll have lost at most an hour of work on the image.  You can resume
  calculation from the save file as above.  Automatic saves triggered by
  SAVETIME do not increment the save file name. The same file is
  overwritten by each auto save until the image completes.  But note that
  Fractint does not directly over-write save files.  Instead, each save
  operation writes a temporary file FRACTINT.TMP, then deletes the prior
  save file, then renames FRACTINT.TMP to be the new save file.  This
  protects against power failures which occur during a save operation - if
  such a power failure occurs, the prior save file is intact and there's a
  harmless incomplete FRACTINT.TMP on your disk.

  If you want to spread a many-hour image over multiple bits of free
  machine time you could use a command like:
      fractint batch=yes filename=xxx savename=xxx savetime=60 video=F3
  While this batch is running, hit <S> (almost any key actually) to tell
  fractint to save what it has done so far and give your machine back.  A
  status code of 2 is returned by fractint to the batch file.  Kick off
  the batch again when you have another time slice for it.

  When the savetime parameter is negative, Fractint will save the image
  after the requested time and exit.  This is useful in batch files where
  you want to generate several images with a time limit on each image.

  While running a batch file, pressing any key will cause Fractint to exit
  with an errorlevel = 2.  Any error that interrupts an image save to disk
  will cause an exit with errorlevel = 2.  Any error that prevents an
  image from being generated will cause an exit with errorlevel = 1.

  The SAVETIME= parameter, and batch resumes of partial calculations, only
  work with fractal types which can be resumed.  See "Interrupting and
  Resuming" (p. 33) for information about non-resumable types.